March dogs of the Month; Rufus and Ripli
About Rufus & Ripli:
Rufus and Ripli are two adorable little “boxer babies.” Well, really they are a year old, but to us they are still “boxer babies.” Rufus and Ripli are littermates and were born on June 26th 2009. We have known them here at Ruffledale since they were about 10 months old. We all love when they are here and enjoy our “boxer days.” Rufus is a male “flashy” (white chest, face and collar) boxer and Ripli is a female fawn with a black mask. They are a very lovely pair. Rufus and Rupli both LOVE having behind their ears rubbed and Miss Ripli also likes to have her tummy rubbed. Like true boxers Rufus and Rupli’s favorite things in life are: eating, eating, eating, playing, playing, playing and then finally cuddling, cuddling, cuddling. Silly boxers. They both have their own special toys. Rufus loves the Frisbee and Ripli loves her special road kill toy. Of all the treats that they love, Rufus and Ripli especially love milk bones and chicken strips. Mmmmmm
Rufus and Ripli had it a little easier than most puppies when they went to their new home because they still had each other. They still missed their dog Mom, but were happy they had each other. They got to share a kennel because they were both little tiny babies. It took a little while to convince Rufus and Ripli that dog food was yummy. They only liked treats at first. Maybe they were trying to convince their new human parents that treats were the way to go rather than plain old dog food. Smart little boxers. Rufus and Ripli loved their new family. They love their new two legg’d human brother. They go crazy when he picks them up from daycare. They also get excited to see his friends when they are with him. Rufus and Ripli loved running around outside in their new yard playing chase. They still do. They are the best of friends as well as brother and sister.
Rufus and Ripli’s best friend here at daycare is Marcus. They knew Marcus from their puppy training class and were reunited with him here at Daycare. Rufus and Ripli love to play with the classic “boxer punch” type of play and Marcus LOVES it! They are a very silly and crazy threesome to watch. Some of Rufus and Ripli’s other favorite friends are Shiloh, Stetson, Packer the boxer, Maggie & Millie! Rufus and Ripli’s parents also enjoy taking them to the dog park to make other new friends. Rufus and Ripli pretty much always stick together. As they get older, they get a little bit more independent, but are still very aware of where their sibling is. They are so sweet and love each other so much. Rufus and Ripli are such a great part of our pack here at Ruffledale. They love their visits and make us laugh all day with their silliness. We’ve loved watching them mature and become such good “boxer babies.” They are a joy to have and we would miss them if we didn’t get to have them visit.

The pair playing with their best friend Marcus.

Rufus and Ripli saying hi to the camera.