May Dogs of the Month: Jake and Piper!!!
About Jake and Piper;
a.k.a ”Jaker McJake” and “Pipey McPipe”
Jake and Piper are two adorable but very wild puppies who come to daycare almost every day! They are a very regular staple here and we all love them to pieces. It has been great to watch these two grow up! Jake is a year old (his birthday is this month!!) lab and his little sister Piper is a 6 month old lab mix. She has not been around as long, but already the two are inseparable. Jake and Piper LOVE to play with little kids. Their Mom has 4 nieces and nephews, who adore Jake and Piper. They love to go to their Grandma and Grandpa’s house because they have a huge backyard that they can run around and be crazy in. Also, the kids are there to play with so they get lots of play time with the kids. The nieces like to play “Doggie Daycare” with Jake and Piper when they are together.
Jake and Piper could not have been more different as little puppies. Their Mom got Jake on July 17th 2009. He was very mellow for a puppy. He slept the whole first day and was and still is very laid back. Jake’s Mom decided that it would be nice for Jake to have a sister. She looked for a very long time in a lot of different places and finally decided to adopt Piper. Piper was the complete opposite of Jake when she came home on December 28th 2009. She was so wild. She ran around the house like a crazy dog until 3 am!!! Her Mom thought she was a devil dog, but Jake loved her. It was a long wait for their Mom until Piper could come to daycare to help get all that energy out. Now they both love daycare and get to be crazies together while they are here. When they get home, they go strait to sleep. Piper’s favorite sleeping spot is in the bathtub. She scratches it like she is “fluffing” it up before she lays down. Jake sleeps on softer stuff next to the bathtub.
Jake loves Blue Buffalo Peanut Butter Cookies and Piper is most fond of Vitabones. They are not known to turn down other treats though and are always happy to try new things. Jake loves to have his ears rubbed when he is relaxing, and since her spay when she was shaved Piper has developed a liking for her Belly being rubbed. They both have their favorite toys as well. Jake loves his old Kong Tennis Ball, and Piper loves her Mega Kong Wubba. They don’t really have any special tricks yet. They are still working hard on those!! Jake and Piper are everything to their Mom. She adores them and her life is centered on their Happiness. There could not be two luckier dogs. Jake and Piper are not only loved by their Mom, but her whole family loves them and think of them as part of the family too. We are all happy here at Ruffledaleto get to be a part of their happy lives! ♥♥Jaker McJake and Pipey McPipe ♥♥

This is what happens if they miss Daycare!